Αν σας άρεσε το Inglourious Basterds, αν αγαπήσατε το Django Unchained, ήρθε η ώρα για την απόλυτη ταινία - κάθαρση που αποκαθιστά ιστορικές αδικίες του παρελθόντος! Djesus Uncrossed, με πρωταγωνιστές τον Christoph Waltz, τον Brad Pitt και τον Samuel Jackson.
Υ.Γ: Από το επεισόδιο του SNL στις 16 Φεβρουαρίου!
Announcer: This Summer! If you liked "Inglourious Basterds" and "Django Unchained" then get ready for the ULTIMATE historical revenge fantasy.
Jesus: Guess who's back!
Announcer: Djesus Uncrossed. He's risen from the dead!
Jesus: Miss Me?
Roman Soldier: Kill him!
Announcer: And he's preaching anything but forgiveness. He may be wearing sandals... but he can STILL kick ass!
Roman Soldier: Jesus H. Christ!
Announcer: The "H" is silent! With Brad Pitt as St. Peter.
St. Peter: I need me eleven ay-postles! We're gonna be doing one thing, and one thing only: Kill Row-mans. The Row-man WILL be disgusted by us! The Row-man WILL talk about us! And the Row-man WILL fear us! Each of you owes me ONE-HUNDRED Row-man scalps!
Announcer: Ving Rhames as Pontius Pilate.
Pontius Pilate: Jesus! Oh, I ain't done with him by a damn sight! I'm gonna get Old Testement on his ass!
Announcer: And Samuel L. Jackson as Judas Iscariot.
Judas Iscariot: Jesus! Oh, shit! CHILL, man! Chill!
Jesus: When you get to Heaven... say "Hi" to my Dad.
Announcer: Critics are calling it: "A less violent Passion of the Christ", "I never knew how much Jesus used the N-word". Djesus Uncrossed.
Jesus: No more Mr. Nice Jesus!
Το αγαπημένο μου και πιο έξυπνο βιντεάκι του SNL τη φετινή season! Guess who's back!